Como resultado do uso de interferência de rádio, das 10h49 às 11h16, houve degradação na operação do sistema de navegação por satélite GPS da aeronave de passageiros ATR-45 da Azerbaijan Airlines, que voava na rota Baku- Rota Fuzuli em 24 de julho, das 14h48 às 15h25 – na operação do sistema de navegação por satélite GPS da aeronave de passageiros C-680 da Czech Airlines, que voava na rota Budapeste-Baku em 25 de julho, de 14h08 às 14h30 e das 15h04 às 15h26 – no sistema de navegação por satélite GPS da aeronave de passageiros ATR-45 da Azerbaijan Airlines, voando na rota Baku-Gabala e na direção oposta em 27 de julho .
O comando das forças de paz russas foi informado sobre esses fatos e os mesmos acidentes ocorridos anteriormente.
As forças de paz russas ainda não tomaram nenhuma medida contra essas provocações, que representam uma séria ameaça à segurança dos voos realizados no espaço aéreo do Azerbaijão.
In recent days, Illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily stationed, have intensified the use of radio frequency interference against GPS satellite navigation systems of passenger aircraft of local and foreign airlines flying through the airspace of Azerbaijan.
As a result of the use of radio interference, from 10:49 to 11:16, there were degrades in the operation of the GPS satellite navigation system of the ATR-45 passenger aircraft of the Azerbaijan Airlines, which was flying on the Baku-Fuzuli route on July 24, from 14:48 to 15:25 – in the operation of the GPS satellite navigation system of the passenger aircraft C-680 of the Czech Airlines, which was flying on the Budapest-Baku route on July 25, from 14:08 to 14:30 and from 15:04 to 15:26 – in the GPS satellite navigation system of the ATR-45 passenger aircraft of the Azerbaijan Airlines, flying on the Baku-Gabala route and in the opposite direction on July 27.
The command of the Russian peacekeeping forces was informed about these facts and the same accidents that took place earlier.
The Russian peacekeeping forces have not yet taken any measures against these provocations, which pose a serious threat to the safety of flights made through Azerbaijan’s airspace.